
The association Cartooning for Peace is participating in the European Year for Development (EYD) with an exhibition 28 cartoons for Human Rights and Panel Debate Freedom of expression: Building bridges and Fostering Tolerance at The European Parliament, in Strasbourg. My cartoon also is in this exhibition between other cartoons from European Union countries.

#cartooningforpeace #europarliament #Strasbourg

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The events will coincide with the 2015 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought ceremony, awarded by the European Parliament to the Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi, who is currently in jail.

Cartooning for Peace facilitates meetings of professional cartoonists of all nationalities with a wide audience, to promote exchanges on freedom of expression and recognition of the journalistic work of cartoonists. They also provide protection and legal assistance to cartoonists working in difficult environments, as well as advice and support on their profession.


Take a look at the exhibition catalogue!